Is Worship That Important?

Did you watch the Super Bowl over the weekend?  Many people were hyped up and excited.  They talked about it and cheered on.  It is a natural thing to do when you are excited.

When your team does something good, you want to revel in it.  When you find a great sale, you want to tell your friends.  When your kids accomplish something, you want to post about it.

But often – when it comes to God – crickets.  We do little.  We say little.  We let it go.

Here in Mississippi, worship is not a foreign concept.  However, it is not always what it should be.  Many of us see it as an event you attend.  Many of us see it as an obligation to check off the to-do list.  Many of us see it as irrelevant and a timewaster.

Psalm 92 is a great passage on worship.  It points out how good it is to praise and make music to God (verse 1).  It encourages us to proclaim His love and faithfulness which is proven by what He has done (verses 2-5).  It warns us that a wicked person who does not truly worship God is foolish and will face severe consequences (verse 6).  But a righteous person who truly worships God will grow strong and flourish (verses 12-13).

Where do you fit in this?

Worship is crucial, yet many who go to church never draw near to God.

Psalm 132:7 states, “Let’s go to His dwelling place; let’s worship at His footstool.”  Worship brings you in direct contact with the all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful Creator of the Universe.  He wants us to draw near.  He wants to fill us with His love until it overflows.  He is why we can love others.

Worship can lead to great change.  Consider Paul and Silas in Acts 16.  Because of their faith, they were beaten and thrown in prison.  Around midnight (despite their circumstances) they began to worship God, and God moved.  God opened the doors – literally.

We are not talking about positive thinking.  We are talking about being in the presence of God and seeing Him move.


That is my challenge to you.  Worship Him for who He is.  Worship Him because He deserves nothing less.  Worship Him because He can change your life.

I found the following book insightful. You may as well. Click the picture to find out more…

Pray for the Search

Well, the process of choosing a Minister of Music Search Committee is over, but their work is just beginning.

To my FBC family, please pray diligently and daily for Kenny Clark, Scott Sullivan, Jay Willis, Susan Ezell, Michaelle Harrison, & Donna Tuskan – our Search Committee.

Over the weeks to come, I’m sure that there will be plenty of “suggestions” given to them, and they need to hear from the membership.  But please pray that, above all, they will seek God’s guidance.  This is a vital ministry, and their work cannot be taken lightly or pushed too quickly.  We must (in all things) seek God’s will as we seek to reach those without a saving relationship with Christ and as we seek to build disciples.

Greater things are still to come,


Are you as excited as I am?

I am SOOOO excited about Sunday – and life, in general, at First Baptist Church of Pascagoula.  For all my FBC brothers & sisters, let me share why…

1. Sunday morning we continue our study of some vital keys for Spiritual Growth.  I have been amazed by the comments/results from the first two weeks of the series.  God is at work!  If He can use my puny efforts, I can only imagine what He is going to do through such an amazing church.  Please pray for God’s movement during our 11:00 a.m. worship celebration – pray, asking God to speak through me – pray, asking God to cement truth, build commitment, or convict where needed – pray, asking God to touch hearts as only He can.  And invite a friend. Continue reading