Do You Have Margin?

When I was working on my doctorate, we had to read Richard Swenson’s book called Margin.  I did not understand why it was necessary until I actually read it.  I am glad that I did.

We all know how busy life is.  It is so easy to fill (or overfill) your schedule with things pertaining to work, school, family, friends, and interests.  That is why we often feel like we do not have enough energy or time.  We do not have room for the unexpected.  And people constantly seem to want more of you.

We need margin.

Normally, we think of a margin as the empty space on the edge of a piece of paper – a boundary.  Margin in life is like that.  It is the space between what we try to do and what we actually can do – a boundary.  Whether we like it or not, we need some room in our lives, our schedule, our money, our emotions, our physical being, our relationships, and our spiritual life.

Jesus created margin.  He took time to get away, so He could be alone with the Father.  He took His disciples aside to get refreshed.  He took the time to make sure He and the disciples were focused on what they should.

If Jesus needed margin, we definitely need it.

We need to have time and energy for what really matters.  If we would live less frantic lives, we would be in a better mood.  If we had margin, we would be better people.  If we created margin, we could grow closer to God.

But how do we do it?

We must determine what matters to us.  There are certain things and people that mean a lot to us.  We need to be able to enjoy them.

We must plan out our lives.  We need to realize how much time we spend scrolling on our phones or watching television.  We need to realize how much time and money we could have if we planned out our lives.

We must ask God to show us what He desires.  Sometimes our plans and desires may not be exactly what God desires.  However, I can assure you that whatever He desires will be the best choice.  Ask Him.  Read the Bible.  Follow His path.

Margin can be a reality in your life or lacking from your life.  The choice is yours.

You may want to read Swenson’s book for yourself.  It could be a LOT of help.  Just click the picture below to check it out…

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