What Is Going on with the Price of Things?

Whether you are purchasing eggs, gas, a home, or just about anything else, it is hard to ignore how expensive things are getting.  You may want to lay the blame at someone’s feet or at some group’s feet, but the fact is that things cost more (no matter how we got here).

Many of us are not earning more money to keep up with rising prices, and that makes life harder than we would like it to be.  At least it has caused us to value things that we once took for granted.

But consider you for a moment.  Do you realize how valuable you are?

If you listen to some people in your life, you may not think that they see value in you.  If you are weighted down by your past or the future you think you might have, you may not see value in you either.  And in both cases, you would be wrong to believe that lie.

You are very valuable.  In fact, you are of extreme value to God.  He loves you – period.  He wants you to know that.  He wants you to experience that.  He wants you to learn to live out of that.

You are so valuable to Him that He was willing to pay the ultimate price for you.  Romans 6:23 tells us that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Let that sink into your heart.

Heaven is perfect, and we are not.  Because none of us are perfect enough to get into Heaven on our own, God provided a way.  God paid the price that we owe.  Jesus even said that He “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

That means that you can be His.  That means that if you are willing to accept what He has done, you can be free.  Romans 10:13 tells us: “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

You really are valuable.  You matter.  You need to know that, and I hope you will experience that.  The price that is too expensive for us to pay has been paid for us.

If you have never accepted that gift by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please reach out to your local church or me.  Christians are not perfect, but we have accepted that amazing gift.  We would love to help you do the same.

You can read more about how valuable you are by checking out the following resource…


Have You Paid Your Taxes?

April 15 is quickly approaching, and we know what that means.  It is tax day.

I will admit that I do not like paying taxes.  I would rather keep more of my money.  Also, I do not always agree with what the money is used to do.

Governments are made up of people who are not perfect and sometimes are selfish.  No matter which way you lean politically, there always are things with which we can find fault.  Most people gripe about government and taxes, but few try to right the wrongs.

For those of us who are Christian, we do not have the right to not do our part.  And, honestly, having to deal with taxes means that God has blessed you financially.  All the receipts that you must wade through are proof that we have what we need.  All of the roads, first responders, and more that we appreciate are because of the taxes.  Truly, perspective is an important thing.

Taxes are not new.  They have been around for centuries and centuries.  In Jesus’ day the Jewish people paid taxes locally and to the Roman Empire.  And people griped about it then, too.  But Jesus said (in Matthew 22:21), “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

Christians do not have the right to not do our part.  Of course, we should know that our true and ultimate citizenship is in God’s Kingdom, and we are traveling through this world.  But we must do our part and pay our part.

We must not forget that our governing authorities are allowed by God.  Because of that we are told in Romans 13:5-7: “Therefore, you must submit, not only because of wrath but also because of your conscience.  And for this reason you pay taxes, since the authorities are God’s servants, continually attending to these tasks.  Pay your obligations to everyone: taxes to those you owe taxes, tolls to those you owe tolls, respect to those you owe respect, and honor to those you owe honor.”

I know.  It hurts to pay taxes.  But it is what God allows and expects of us.  Let us try to look on the bright side, and let us do what we can to make our nation what it should be.

Consider learning more about being part of God’s Kingdom in the following resource…

What Do You Do When You Are Disappointed?

It happens.  A lot!  Someone hurts you whether you realize it or not.  A trusted friend seems to turn on you.  Things happen that rock your world.  You expectations or hopes are not met.  And disappointment follows.

We all know that life is full of disappointments.  They can be big or small.  Most of them go away quickly, but some linger and fester.  It is part of life.

We can let the disappointment go, or get frustrated, or become heartbroken, or worse.  Truly, the choice is ours.

Typically we face disappointments because we tend to put our confidence in people.  We think that we can rely on the good judgment of others.  However, each of us knows that we are not perfect and often make mistakes.  It is surprising that though we know our own limitations, we do not think about the limitations of others.

So what can we do?

We must put our hope only in God.  Consider what Psalm 118:8 tells us: “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humanity.”  We must love others and foster relationships, but we must also face reality.  Only God handles the circumstances of life with true wisdom and concern.

If we can come to grips with this truth, it enables us to realize that disappointments are not final when we allow God to have His proper place in our lives.  Actually, though no one wants to be disappointed, it can lead to deeper hope and faith as we see God work through the mess of life.  “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

As you have, I have faced my share of disappointment.  I also realize that those who disappoint do not always mean to do so.

But I also realize that God cares about me (and you).  He has given me strength and hope when I lacked it.  He has worked things out for my good even though it may not have been in the time frame I desired.  He is faithful, and He will be faithful to you.

Trust Him.

And go deeper into this by checking out the following resource…