Do You Have a Tissue?

Our family is SO sad because our 14-year-old puppy left us this weekend.  I enjoyed walking my dog, and she loved it, too.  However, it was a little tougher with the COLD weather of late.

I normally am not one who has a runny nose, but walking in the cold changes that.  Suddenly, my nose thinks it is a running faucet, and I need a tissue.  I am not one to carry tissues with me, but when I need one, I need one.

And that caused a lightbulb moment for me.  How often do we treat God like a tissue?  How often do we fail to acknowledge or talk to Him unless we are in need?  How often do we forget that He is with His children – always?

We just exited the Christmas season where we sang about Immanuel – God with us (Matthew 1:23).  But do we realize it?

Being a Christian is not about agreeing with some code or creed.  It is not about having your name on a membership role.  Being a Christian is about accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and when that happens, He saves you and comes into your life.  God lives in you.

Consider what Romans 8:9 states: “You, however, are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you.  If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.”  If you are a child of God, the Holy Spirit is in you.

Jesus promised this.  He said (in John 14:17) about the Holy Spirit: “‘He is the Spirit of truth.  The world is unable to receive Him because it doesn’t see Him or know Him.  But you do know Him, because He remains with you and will be in you.’”  And the reason is clear.  Jesus made a promise in Matthew 28:20: “‘…And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’”

He is not to be treated like a tissue.  He is with you always.  And that should means something to us.

First, it means that He is at work.  God is still active and moving.

Second, it means that He has a plan.  He clearly wants you to be part of it.

Third, it means that we can trust Him.  He will never leave His child, and He loves us.

Fourth, it means that we should act like we know it.  Our daily lives should demonstrate that we are His and live for Him.

So – if it is cold outside, grab a tissue.  But as you live your daily life, do not treat God that way.  He already is with you (if you are His child).  Live like it.

For better thoughts than I had on this, check out this classic, beloved book on the subject…

It Is Cold Outside, But Is It Inside?

This weather never ceases to amaze us.  The jokes about weather in the south going from cold to hot to rainy to sunny (all in one day) are definitely based on truth.  However, I have been cold lately.  Have you?

It led me to think about a concept we often use relating to being on fire.  It does not refer to temperature but to something deep in us.  It is referring to burning enthusiasm, being eager, and being zealous.  To “light a fire under” someone means that you want to motivate them to get things done.

Spiritually, we need to be “on fire” too.  We need to be zealous for God.  We need to be eager to grow and make a difference for Him.

It is a concept we see God desiring of everyone and demanding of His followers.

In Old Testament days you can see examples of many who were “on fire” – zealous for God.  David, Elijah, Hezekiah, and Josiah are just a few examples.  And because of their eagerness to live for God, God used the in mighty ways.

Then came John the Baptist.  When he referred to what Jesus was about to do, he told everyone that he baptized people with water, but Jesus was going to baptize “with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Matthew 3:11)

When Jesus began His church, He kept the imagery going.  The Holy Spirit invaded our world to dwell the hearts of Christians, and as Acts 2 tells us, He entered “like flames of fire.”

God wants, demands, and deserves us to be passionate for Him.  If you are not, it is because you are either cold or lukewarm.  Those who are cold cannot be passionate for God because they do not have the Holy Spirit through salvation.  Those who are lukewarm are not passionate for God because though they have asked Jesus to save them, they have allowed other things to take control of their heart.

I urge you to be “on fire.”  And for some, that means you must accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  He is the only way to be saved.  Get in a good church and find out how – now – please.

For many of us, we need to stoke the fire.

Pray.  Talk to God, and listen to Him.

Read and meditate on God’s Word.  It is His message to us.

Serve God.  Life is not about what WE want or can get.  Life is about what we can do for Him.

Fellowship.  Build relationships with other Christians who can build you up.

Worship.  Actually worship.  Do not just go through the motions.

Share the hope.  Many do not know the hope that Jesus gives.

It may be cold outside, but I am urging us all to be “on fire.”

You may want to check out the following resource for more insight into this. Click the picture to find out more…

Who Are You?

Who are you?

Really – who are you?

That question usually leads us to think about a label.  We think of a name, the family from which one comes, achievements or characteristics, one’s job, one’s failures, one’s flaws, or any other label we can attach.  But none of those things truly define who you are.

If you are a Christian, do you realize that you are the person God created to accomplish God’s great plan?

Many times we pay homage to God but do not truly trust Him until we face some form of devastation.  He definitely can help us overcome adversity, but we miss out on all that God could do when we fail to remain or abide in Him at all times.

Jesus said in John 15:4-5: “‘Remain in Me, and I in you.  Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in Me.’”  He can help us accomplish what we could never dream of doing on our own.

And He also enables us to see how great He is, how not-so-great we are, and how incredible His love and grace are.  It is like John stated in 1 John 3:1: “See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children – and we are!”

Christian, you are God’s child.  And God wants you to recognize who you really are, who you could be, and who you should be.

It is amazing to look through the Bible and see how often God used broken and imperfect people for greatness.  Those people had bad labels but trusted God, and He enabled them to do what they never dreamed possible.

So, yes, your identity is rooted in Jesus.  However, if you do not recognize that, you are asking for trouble.  It is like Paul reminded us in 1 Corinthians 15:48-49: “Like the man of dust, so are those who are of the dust; like the man of heaven, so are those who are of heaven.  And just as we have born the image of the man of dust, we also bear the image of the man of heaven.”

Do not let the labels distract you or keep you back.  Find your purpose and joy in Jesus.  Discover who you really should be.

Check out the following resource for more ideas about who you really are by clicking the picture…

Do You Have Margin?

When I was working on my doctorate, we had to read Richard Swenson’s book called Margin.  I did not understand why it was necessary until I actually read it.  I am glad that I did.

We all know how busy life is.  It is so easy to fill (or overfill) your schedule with things pertaining to work, school, family, friends, and interests.  That is why we often feel like we do not have enough energy or time.  We do not have room for the unexpected.  And people constantly seem to want more of you.

We need margin.

Normally, we think of a margin as the empty space on the edge of a piece of paper – a boundary.  Margin in life is like that.  It is the space between what we try to do and what we actually can do – a boundary.  Whether we like it or not, we need some room in our lives, our schedule, our money, our emotions, our physical being, our relationships, and our spiritual life.

Jesus created margin.  He took time to get away, so He could be alone with the Father.  He took His disciples aside to get refreshed.  He took the time to make sure He and the disciples were focused on what they should.

If Jesus needed margin, we definitely need it.

We need to have time and energy for what really matters.  If we would live less frantic lives, we would be in a better mood.  If we had margin, we would be better people.  If we created margin, we could grow closer to God.

But how do we do it?

We must determine what matters to us.  There are certain things and people that mean a lot to us.  We need to be able to enjoy them.

We must plan out our lives.  We need to realize how much time we spend scrolling on our phones or watching television.  We need to realize how much time and money we could have if we planned out our lives.

We must ask God to show us what He desires.  Sometimes our plans and desires may not be exactly what God desires.  However, I can assure you that whatever He desires will be the best choice.  Ask Him.  Read the Bible.  Follow His path.

Margin can be a reality in your life or lacking from your life.  The choice is yours.

You may want to read Swenson’s book for yourself.  It could be a LOT of help.  Just click the picture below to check it out…