What Is Going on with the Price of Things?

Whether you are purchasing eggs, gas, a home, or just about anything else, it is hard to ignore how expensive things are getting.  You may want to lay the blame at someone’s feet or at some group’s feet, but the fact is that things cost more (no matter how we got here).

Many of us are not earning more money to keep up with rising prices, and that makes life harder than we would like it to be.  At least it has caused us to value things that we once took for granted.

But consider you for a moment.  Do you realize how valuable you are?

If you listen to some people in your life, you may not think that they see value in you.  If you are weighted down by your past or the future you think you might have, you may not see value in you either.  And in both cases, you would be wrong to believe that lie.

You are very valuable.  In fact, you are of extreme value to God.  He loves you – period.  He wants you to know that.  He wants you to experience that.  He wants you to learn to live out of that.

You are so valuable to Him that He was willing to pay the ultimate price for you.  Romans 6:23 tells us that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Let that sink into your heart.

Heaven is perfect, and we are not.  Because none of us are perfect enough to get into Heaven on our own, God provided a way.  God paid the price that we owe.  Jesus even said that He “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

That means that you can be His.  That means that if you are willing to accept what He has done, you can be free.  Romans 10:13 tells us: “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

You really are valuable.  You matter.  You need to know that, and I hope you will experience that.  The price that is too expensive for us to pay has been paid for us.

If you have never accepted that gift by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please reach out to your local church or me.  Christians are not perfect, but we have accepted that amazing gift.  We would love to help you do the same.

You can read more about how valuable you are by checking out the following resource…


Have You Paid Your Taxes?

April 15 is quickly approaching, and we know what that means.  It is tax day.

I will admit that I do not like paying taxes.  I would rather keep more of my money.  Also, I do not always agree with what the money is used to do.

Governments are made up of people who are not perfect and sometimes are selfish.  No matter which way you lean politically, there always are things with which we can find fault.  Most people gripe about government and taxes, but few try to right the wrongs.

For those of us who are Christian, we do not have the right to not do our part.  And, honestly, having to deal with taxes means that God has blessed you financially.  All the receipts that you must wade through are proof that we have what we need.  All of the roads, first responders, and more that we appreciate are because of the taxes.  Truly, perspective is an important thing.

Taxes are not new.  They have been around for centuries and centuries.  In Jesus’ day the Jewish people paid taxes locally and to the Roman Empire.  And people griped about it then, too.  But Jesus said (in Matthew 22:21), “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

Christians do not have the right to not do our part.  Of course, we should know that our true and ultimate citizenship is in God’s Kingdom, and we are traveling through this world.  But we must do our part and pay our part.

We must not forget that our governing authorities are allowed by God.  Because of that we are told in Romans 13:5-7: “Therefore, you must submit, not only because of wrath but also because of your conscience.  And for this reason you pay taxes, since the authorities are God’s servants, continually attending to these tasks.  Pay your obligations to everyone: taxes to those you owe taxes, tolls to those you owe tolls, respect to those you owe respect, and honor to those you owe honor.”

I know.  It hurts to pay taxes.  But it is what God allows and expects of us.  Let us try to look on the bright side, and let us do what we can to make our nation what it should be.

Consider learning more about being part of God’s Kingdom in the following resource…

What Do You Do When You Are Disappointed?

It happens.  A lot!  Someone hurts you whether you realize it or not.  A trusted friend seems to turn on you.  Things happen that rock your world.  You expectations or hopes are not met.  And disappointment follows.

We all know that life is full of disappointments.  They can be big or small.  Most of them go away quickly, but some linger and fester.  It is part of life.

We can let the disappointment go, or get frustrated, or become heartbroken, or worse.  Truly, the choice is ours.

Typically we face disappointments because we tend to put our confidence in people.  We think that we can rely on the good judgment of others.  However, each of us knows that we are not perfect and often make mistakes.  It is surprising that though we know our own limitations, we do not think about the limitations of others.

So what can we do?

We must put our hope only in God.  Consider what Psalm 118:8 tells us: “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humanity.”  We must love others and foster relationships, but we must also face reality.  Only God handles the circumstances of life with true wisdom and concern.

If we can come to grips with this truth, it enables us to realize that disappointments are not final when we allow God to have His proper place in our lives.  Actually, though no one wants to be disappointed, it can lead to deeper hope and faith as we see God work through the mess of life.  “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

As you have, I have faced my share of disappointment.  I also realize that those who disappoint do not always mean to do so.

But I also realize that God cares about me (and you).  He has given me strength and hope when I lacked it.  He has worked things out for my good even though it may not have been in the time frame I desired.  He is faithful, and He will be faithful to you.

Trust Him.

And go deeper into this by checking out the following resource…

The Help We Need

If my truck breaks down in the middle of nowhere, I hope someone stops to help.  If my back goes out when I have a lot of work to do, I hope someone can help.  If I am about to eat something that could harm me, I hope someone lets me know.  Basically, if I ever need help, I hope I get it.

My friends, we all need help.

Heaven is perfect.  We are not.  We cannot undo the wrongs (sins) we have done.  And we will all die someday and face God.  We need help.

THAT is Easter!

God loves you.  He is willing to forgive you.  He offers salvation to you.  But you must accept His offer.

Because we do not deserve Heaven, God made a way through Jesus and the cross.  2 Corinthians 5:21 states, “He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”

Jesus paid the price that we owe.  1 Peter 2:24 states, “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree; so that, having died to sins, we might live for righteousness.  By His wounds you have been healed.”

Before He died, Jesus uttered the words that could change our lives (they changed my life): “It is finished!”  He paid the price.

That payment is not automatic for anyone, though.  Jesus offers forgiveness and salvation if you are willing to accept His salvation and follow Him.  We do not get to make up our own way; we lost that right by not deserving salvation. We must choose His way.

Jesus even proved His power over sin and death by rising from the dead.  He showed us that nothing is greater or more powerful than He is.  And that power is available to you.  Romans 6:4 states, “just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too may walk in newness of life.”

We may have added a lot of extra festivities, fluff, and decorations to Easter, but the day will always be about Jesus loving us, dying in our place, offering salvation to us, and defeating death.

If you have never accepted His gift on His terms, the time to do it is now.  We do not know what tomorrow holds, but we do know who holds tomorrow.  Reach out to me if you would like to know more.

And Happy Easter!

If you’d like to dig into the evidence behind Easter, check out the following excellent resource…

How Much Do You Care about Those in Your Life?

If a bridge is out of commission, don’t you want someone to post a warning?

If a convict escapes, don’t you want someone to let the public know?

If a fire breaks out, don’t you want someone to warn you?

We want to know if we are about to face trouble.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday.  It marks the day (before Jesus faced the cross) when the crowds cheered in excitement as Jesus came to Jerusalem.  They lined the road, laid clothing on His path, waved palm branches, and shouted, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.  Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven!” (Luke 19:38)

It was thrilling and joyous.  People were excited and thought that everything was going to be great.  However, they chose not to remember all that Jesus had said concerning the consequences of sin.  They wanted a “savior” to bring power and prestige for their nation, but they did not want to admit their need for spiritual salvation.

What we sometimes forget about Palm Sunday is that just after the pomp and excitement, Jesus looked out and wept for the city.  He knew what they were bringing on themselves.  He knew the danger because He had warned them again and again.  He was about to give His life in payment for their sins against God, and they didn’t seem to care.

Yet Jesus faced the horrors of the cross anyway.

Today, we see a similar situation.

Many people seem to ignore the reality of eternity.  Many seem to want to ignore what Jesus said about how to have salvation and instead think they can make up their own rules.  Many seem to ignore what Jesus said about following Him and instead think their own standards are good enough.  Consider the rise of bitterness, anger, division, and lawlessness as proof.  Consider the decline of participation in the churches for which Jesus died as proof.

What will you do about it?  How much do you care about those in your life?

The bridge is out.  The convict is on the loose.  The fire is spreading.  Are you warning them?  Do you weep over where they are?

Jesus deserves the praise of a Palm Sunday.  Jesus also deserves the concern that He showed as He looked out over those whom He loved.  Jesus deserves our full devotion because He gave His full life and love to us.

Though talking about Jesus may seem scary or overwhelming, you may want to check out the following book for insight into how ALL of us can do it…

Discover What St. Patrick’s Day Can Show Us

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I hope yours is a special one.

Honestly, most of us (if we celebrate at all) focus on wearing green, eating corned beef and cabbage, and decorating with leprechauns and shamrocks.  That is how we often celebrate holidays – not for what they represent but for what they have become.

St. Patrick’s Day is about a missionary who changed a country, and we celebrate it in honor of the day he died (March 17).

Patrick was born in Britain in the late 300s.  When he was 16, he was kidnapped and taken to Ireland where he was forced to tend sheep and treated terribly.  However, during that time he grew in his trust in God, in prayer, and in living the way He should.

He wrote later in Confession of Saint Patrick: “After I arrived in Ireland, I tended sheep every day, and I prayed frequently during the day.  More and more the love of God increased and my sense of awe before God.  Faith grew, and my spirit was moved, so that in one day I would pray up to one hundred times…”

After several years, he escaped and went home where he felt God’s direction to enter the ministry.  He faithfully served and became a bishop, but there was more to come.

Patrick felt the call to return to Ireland to share the hope of Jesus.  He did return, but it was not easy and was often dangerous.  He served 29 years in Ireland, baptized over 100,000 people, and built 300 churches.  He also became known for the unique way he explained the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit): he used a three-leaf clover to describe it.

Very little will be said about Patrick’s actual life and impact, but you now know.  And I hope it makes the day more meaningful because his life shows us great truths.

Life is often cruel and hard.  People can be mean and thankless.  But we are reminded in Romans 8:28: “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.”  God did not say that all things are good, but He did say that all things will work together for the good of His faithful followers.

We must remember that God has a bigger plan for our lives than we could imagine.  After all, we are reminded in Psalm 31:15: “The course of my life is in your power…”

Like Patrick, we must keep our eyes focused on the prize.  We must let God lead.  We must trust Him completely, and we will find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  The good news is that that pot of gold is what God has in store for those who persevere.

Dig into more of this man’s life by checking out the following resource…

What Do You Do When You Are Tired?

I am sure that you are looking forward to what happens this Sunday.  It is Daylight Savings Time!

OK, that was a joke.  Few of us seem to enjoy it because it makes us tired.  Not only do we lose an hour, but we also know that we are losing an hour.

However, being tired has become a normal thing for many of us.  There is so much that we need to do.  There are so many people that we think we have to please.  There is so much to worry about.  There is so much sickness to deal with.  There are so many hateful, hurtful people to deal with.  There never seems to be enough money or time.  It is truly tiring.

So what do many people do?  We medicate.  We moan and complain.  We get intoxicated.  We try to do things and go places to amuse ourselves.  But at best, we are only masking the symptoms.

God does not want you to live a weary and tiresome life.  Jesus even told us in Matthew 11:28-30: “‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’”

God knows what we face.  He has all the strength and power that we need.  And He keeps His promises, so let’s get rid of the tiredness.

Rest your mind.  Get your mind off of what is happening and get focused on something else – like exercise, a hobby, or reading.  After all, we see that Jesus often took the disciples and Himself out of the situation to rest and rejuvenate.

Rest your body.  If you are tired, rest.  Sleep is important, and you can be sure that God is at work even when you are not.

Rest with others.  Rejuvenate with those who build you up – just as you build them up.  Church is the best place to do that.

Rest spiritually.  Life is going to continue, but God is greater than anything you may face.  You need Him.  You need His strength.

And know that God can give you whatever you need to face whatever you face.  Consider what 2 Corinthians 9:8 states: “And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.”

If you are tired, get the right rest.  You will be glad that you did.

And for further insight into this, click the book below for a great resource…

What Do Some Do to Get What They Want?

What do you do?

The Bible tells us in Romans 12:10, “Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters.  Take the lead in honoring one another.”

I rarely see that.  Many people do whatever they can to get their own way.  Even when they know it is not welcome, they keep trying.  Part of us wants what we want, and we want others to help us get it.

So much has changed lately.  We feel out of control, but we want control.  There have always been some who hunger for power at all costs.  However, most of us do not realize how hungry we are (at least not at first).  Either way, we turn to manipulation.

Manipulation is a skill that we tend to master.  As children, we pout and throw tantrums.  As we grow, our methods grow – often to deceit and cruelty.  We are willing to humiliate to get our way – or sound spiritual – or cause guilt – or play on emotions – or stir up fear – or build a posse to help us – or gaslight.

Is this wrong?  Well, Philippians 2:3-4 clearly states, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.  Everyone should look not to his own interests, but rather to the interests of others.”

Our main problem is that we do not have the right view of God and others.  God is the only One who can meet our needs, so we either trust Him or not.  Others are just as valuable to God as you are, and they were created for His glory and will – not ours.

We need to be reminded of what Jesus said was the greatest command of all.  In Matthew 22:37-40, He said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and most important command.  The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”

I can only imagine how wonderful the world would be if we all followed what Jesus said.  I can only imagine how wonderful it would be to not face the manipulation of others.  I can only imagine how much peace there would be if I was not tempted to get my own way.

Let’s do something about it.

Henry Cloud wrote a classic book on the boundaries we need in life. Everyone would benefit from the insight…

Will the Coal Die Out?

Have you noticed (as I have) something that happens when you grill?  I am specifically talking about the coals.

You stack the coals and light them.  After a few minutes you check to see if they are ready, and you see it.  One of those little rascals rolled off the mound and is just sitting there – cold – no fire.  On its own, the coal could not keep its fire.

I know a lot of people like that.

When you look at the first Christians, they were genuine, open, and honest with one another in their lives and their hearts.  They were there for each other.  In fact, Acts 2:46 describes them like this: “Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house.  They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts.”

They spent time with one another.  They helped one another.  They watched out for one another.  And that is something that we all need.

Unfortunately, lots of people do not see a great need to be plugged into a church to build deep connections.  Perhaps it is pride that keeps us from wanting to accept help from others.  Perhaps it is ego that keeps us from being transparent with others (even though we know that everyone has their own problems).

Even though Mississippi is considered to be religious, far more people are not engaging weekly in a church than those who do.

Some see no need in their church family.  Some think their spiritual life is fine without it.  However, how can we dismiss what the Bible tells us in Hebrews 10:25: “Do not neglect to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.”

We need to encourage one another, comfort one another, and bear one another’s burdens.  We need the same from others.  But it will not happen if we are not part of the family.

Like the coal on its own without fire within, we risk the danger of growing cold when we neglect fellowship.  In an ever-changing world, we need all the help we can get.  We need God’s help.  We need our church.  And the church needs you.

Take a look at the following resource to see how important this really is (just click the picture).

Is Worship That Important?

Did you watch the Super Bowl over the weekend?  Many people were hyped up and excited.  They talked about it and cheered on.  It is a natural thing to do when you are excited.

When your team does something good, you want to revel in it.  When you find a great sale, you want to tell your friends.  When your kids accomplish something, you want to post about it.

But often – when it comes to God – crickets.  We do little.  We say little.  We let it go.

Here in Mississippi, worship is not a foreign concept.  However, it is not always what it should be.  Many of us see it as an event you attend.  Many of us see it as an obligation to check off the to-do list.  Many of us see it as irrelevant and a timewaster.

Psalm 92 is a great passage on worship.  It points out how good it is to praise and make music to God (verse 1).  It encourages us to proclaim His love and faithfulness which is proven by what He has done (verses 2-5).  It warns us that a wicked person who does not truly worship God is foolish and will face severe consequences (verse 6).  But a righteous person who truly worships God will grow strong and flourish (verses 12-13).

Where do you fit in this?

Worship is crucial, yet many who go to church never draw near to God.

Psalm 132:7 states, “Let’s go to His dwelling place; let’s worship at His footstool.”  Worship brings you in direct contact with the all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful Creator of the Universe.  He wants us to draw near.  He wants to fill us with His love until it overflows.  He is why we can love others.

Worship can lead to great change.  Consider Paul and Silas in Acts 16.  Because of their faith, they were beaten and thrown in prison.  Around midnight (despite their circumstances) they began to worship God, and God moved.  God opened the doors – literally.

We are not talking about positive thinking.  We are talking about being in the presence of God and seeing Him move.


That is my challenge to you.  Worship Him for who He is.  Worship Him because He deserves nothing less.  Worship Him because He can change your life.

I found the following book insightful. You may as well. Click the picture to find out more…