Are the Instructions Important?

Have you ever assembled something without looking at the instructions?  Typically, it ends in leftover items and a spouse not happy with the results.

We do not always want to do things in the way we are told they should be done, but we often follow instructions when we know we should.  There are lots of things we do that we may not want to do because we want the outcome.  Some do not like to cook and clean dishes, but they do it to eat.  Some do not like working out, but they do it to stay fit.  Some do not like going to work, but they do it to earn an income.  Some do not like to cut the grass, but they do it to keep snakes and bugs away and to help their reputation.

Many people see the Bible as something that is important but not fun because they see it as a book of instructions.  The reality is that it is a gift.

God gave us the Bible, so we can know Him.  God gave it, so we can know who we are on our own.  God gave it, s we can see how others faced life.  God gave it, so we can know what honors Him and help us live.

How do you view the Bible?  Do you view it like Psalm 119:97 describes: “How I love your instruction!  It is my meditation all day long.”?

Do you recognize that knowing the Bible can help you live above sin – like we read in Psalm 119:11: “I have treasured Your word in my heart so that I may not sin against You.”?

Do you love to share the joy and truths found in it – like we read in Psalm 119:13:

“With my lips I proclaim all the judgments from Your mouth.”?

The Bible includes instructions, but those instructions are to help you know how to live a life that is truly worth living.  The Bible shows us who God is.  The Bible shows us how God provided salvation to all who would accept it.  The Bible shows us so much.

Most of the time, instructions are important.  All of the time, the Bible is important.

I challenge you to spend time reading it every day.  I challenge you to be involved in a church that relies on and teaches it.  I challenge you to cherish the gift God has given us.

Consider the following resource to dig deeper into this…