What Is Going on with the Price of Things?

Whether you are purchasing eggs, gas, a home, or just about anything else, it is hard to ignore how expensive things are getting.  You may want to lay the blame at someone’s feet or at some group’s feet, but the fact is that things cost more (no matter how we got here).

Many of us are not earning more money to keep up with rising prices, and that makes life harder than we would like it to be.  At least it has caused us to value things that we once took for granted.

But consider you for a moment.  Do you realize how valuable you are?

If you listen to some people in your life, you may not think that they see value in you.  If you are weighted down by your past or the future you think you might have, you may not see value in you either.  And in both cases, you would be wrong to believe that lie.

You are very valuable.  In fact, you are of extreme value to God.  He loves you – period.  He wants you to know that.  He wants you to experience that.  He wants you to learn to live out of that.

You are so valuable to Him that He was willing to pay the ultimate price for you.  Romans 6:23 tells us that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Let that sink into your heart.

Heaven is perfect, and we are not.  Because none of us are perfect enough to get into Heaven on our own, God provided a way.  God paid the price that we owe.  Jesus even said that He “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

That means that you can be His.  That means that if you are willing to accept what He has done, you can be free.  Romans 10:13 tells us: “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

You really are valuable.  You matter.  You need to know that, and I hope you will experience that.  The price that is too expensive for us to pay has been paid for us.

If you have never accepted that gift by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please reach out to your local church or me.  Christians are not perfect, but we have accepted that amazing gift.  We would love to help you do the same.

You can read more about how valuable you are by checking out the following resource…