Let’s Get Real

I recently shared similar sentiments to my church family, but this is for ALL of us!

At the beginning of a typical year, you might expect me to write about resolutions, goals, or something to inspire. But – as we all well know – we had a MOST unusual year in 2020.

Perhaps it’s time to step back – and ponder.


Things are not back to “normal.” And many wonder if we will ever completely go back to the way things were. To be honest, there are some things that I do NOT want us to go back to.

A few years ago, the well-known and well-loved preacher (Stephen Olford) made a statement that rings true (in my ears) today than ever. He said: “No greater need exists in our churches and personal lives today than for a new call to prayer. Indeed, I would venture to aver that prayerlessness is the most evident and endemic sin in our religious life… In all he spiritual awakenings of biblical times and subsequent church history, there has never been a prayerless revival.”

If 2020 showed us anything, it showed us that no matter how much we may want it to be a certain way, we cannot create our own ideal reality. We desperately need God to intervene. We desperately need God to show us His way. We desperately need God to move in ways that we could not imagine.

And so this year – 2021 – I am calling on you (my brothers and sisters) to join me in stepping up our devotion to and reliance on God. I am calling us to pray!

God knew what we would face. God knows what the future holds. God knows what we should do. And it’s time (to borrow the words of an often-quoted song) for us to ask Jesus to take the wheel. We cannot overcome without Him. We cannot be effective without Him. We are nothing without him.

But with him? Oh, my! No terrorism, no pandemic, no racial unrest, no political angst, nothing can stop Him in using us for His great glory – if you are willing.

Will you pray?

Will you pray seriously?

Will you get on your knees and pray?

Will you write it each day in your calendar – so you do not miss it?

And will you pray big?

God is listening. He is itching to do something through you. But He is waiting on you to be willing.

So – let’s commit to it right here, right now. Let’s pray – and we WILL have a Happy (or Joyous) New Year!

2 thoughts on “Let’s Get Real

  1. Jay:

    Thank you for this timely reminder. Blessings to you and your sweet family this year. Sincerely praying for national spiritual awakening!


    Sent from my iPhone



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