Are You Worried about the Next Generation?

I experienced two things this past week that caused me to think.  I had the opportunity to help with a school’s See You at the Pole event.  I also had the opportunity to speak to the Baptist Student Union at ECCC about making a difference.  Both opportunities involved great teens and young adults.  However, both opportunities led me to think about the responsibilities of adults.

Most of us realize that the world has changed.  There seems to be a greater acceptance of unwise choices and a greater disdain for biblical living.  Temptations are stronger and more prevalent.  Our young people are facing a harsher, more unpredictable future, and we must help them.

There was a day when we helped our younger ones prepare for the future.  Adults guided.  Adults mentored.  Adults passed down what they had learned.  Adults made sure that education was prioritized.  Adults made sure that faith was emphasized.

Today, many adults seem to hope that the next generation will magically be prepared.  Many adults seem to either try to live through their children or focus on their own “wants”.  Many adults do not even bother trying to make sure that faith is emphasized.  We must do better.  We can do better.

For those of us who are Christians, we must entrust the next generation to God.  We must realize that He knows what is best for all of us (including the next generation).  In turn, we must follow Him and help the next generation do the same.

Also, we must pray for them.  Just as we make sure they eat, sleep, remain healthy, and attend the things that are important, we must continually pray for their protection, direction, and spiritual maturity.  Their culture is hostile, so we must cover them in prayer.

Also, we must guide them.  We cannot expect other people to take on the duty of guiding our young people no matter how well-meaning we may think we and they are.  There are many wonderful people who strive to teach and train, but the responsibility lies with all of us (especially parents).

Proverbs 22:6 states: “Start a youth out on his way; even when he grows old he will not depart from it.”

If we want the future to be different, we must do some different things.  We must accept and live out God’s directives.  The One who knows the future can guide us into it.

Check out the following resource for ideas on helping prepare the next generation. Click the picture to learn more…

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