Upstream or Downstream?

When I was young, all of the cool kids wore two different colored Izod shirts (one on top of the other).  Later, Jams clothing was the rage.  And today, whether it’s shoes, coats, or auto accessories, young people still go with the flow.  (Adults do too, of course.)

Most people tend to go along with whatever others are doing without really thinking about it.  Some crazes are not bad.  Some are.  History and current events show that.

I recently shared with some teens what I hope will help you deal with the rash of mob mentality we see locally, nationally, and internationally.  Whether a group lashes out physically, verbally, or emotionally, no amount of fussing or law changes can change hearts.  We must help others see how important it is to swim upstream instead of going with the flow.

The world at large pushes a self-centered mentality that leads to atrocities, bullying, and more (just look at the news or at history).  That is why we are told in Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Going along to get along can lead to much hurt and disappointment.  Forcing oneself to focus on what is good and honorable can lead to great things.  We choose which path we will take.

Following what everyone else seems to be doing is not always the right thing to do.  In fact, it is dangerous.  Consider that James 4:4 states: “You adulterous people!  Don’t you know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God?  So whoever wants to be the friend of the world becomes the enemy of God.”  An enemy of God – did you catch that?

Most people do not weigh the consequences of their actions both on themselves as well as on others.  We personally see the consequences in the increasing mob events occurring and the rising rate of bullying.  It is not easy to stop and think, but it is not smart to not do so.

I stated that hearts must be changed, and that can only occur when hearts are returned to and focused on God.  Our neighbors need to know Him as Lord and Savior.  Our neighbors need to let Him be our guide.  We need that.

So, what will we do?  Will we sit back and watch the world fall apart?  Will we sit back and watch our neighbors and our young people live in utter pain?  Or will we share the only hope the world has (Jesus), and actually do something?

I choose to go upstream.  I choose the make a difference.  I hope that you do as well.

Consider the following resource for more insight. Click the picture to learn more…

Are You Worried about the Next Generation?

I experienced two things this past week that caused me to think.  I had the opportunity to help with a school’s See You at the Pole event.  I also had the opportunity to speak to the Baptist Student Union at ECCC about making a difference.  Both opportunities involved great teens and young adults.  However, both opportunities led me to think about the responsibilities of adults.

Most of us realize that the world has changed.  There seems to be a greater acceptance of unwise choices and a greater disdain for biblical living.  Temptations are stronger and more prevalent.  Our young people are facing a harsher, more unpredictable future, and we must help them.

There was a day when we helped our younger ones prepare for the future.  Adults guided.  Adults mentored.  Adults passed down what they had learned.  Adults made sure that education was prioritized.  Adults made sure that faith was emphasized.

Today, many adults seem to hope that the next generation will magically be prepared.  Many adults seem to either try to live through their children or focus on their own “wants”.  Many adults do not even bother trying to make sure that faith is emphasized.  We must do better.  We can do better.

For those of us who are Christians, we must entrust the next generation to God.  We must realize that He knows what is best for all of us (including the next generation).  In turn, we must follow Him and help the next generation do the same.

Also, we must pray for them.  Just as we make sure they eat, sleep, remain healthy, and attend the things that are important, we must continually pray for their protection, direction, and spiritual maturity.  Their culture is hostile, so we must cover them in prayer.

Also, we must guide them.  We cannot expect other people to take on the duty of guiding our young people no matter how well-meaning we may think we and they are.  There are many wonderful people who strive to teach and train, but the responsibility lies with all of us (especially parents).

Proverbs 22:6 states: “Start a youth out on his way; even when he grows old he will not depart from it.”

If we want the future to be different, we must do some different things.  We must accept and live out God’s directives.  The One who knows the future can guide us into it.

Check out the following resource for ideas on helping prepare the next generation. Click the picture to learn more…

Just Another Day?

Does the following sound familiar?

You get up on Monday and do what you have to do to make it through the day.  You do the same thing Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Saturday and Sunday might offer you a small break, but you know Monday is coming.

When I look at most people, their lives resemble the pattern above.  Life is dull, boring, and often dreadful.

Oscar Wilde was correct when he stated, “To live is the rarest thing in the world.  Most people exist, that is all.”

Do you really believe that existing is all that life has to offer?  Is life nothing more than a routine?

Though it often seems like most people are aimlessly wandering through life, that does not have to be true for you.  If you are a Christian, you can know and live out a purpose that is much bigger than just existing.  You see, Proverbs 16:4 states: “The LORD has prepared everything for his purpose.”

That includes you and me.  But whether we discover that purpose and live it out is the choice of each of us.

From my studies and experience, I would like to offer some suggestions.

First, pray.  Begin asking God to show you what your life could be.  Ask Him to help you be spiritually prepared to follow His leadership.  And keep praying.

Second, consider your strengths.  There are things that God has enabled you to do (both natural and learned things).  God does not give us abilities for no reason.

Third, consider what gets you excited.  We are all different, and God gives us passions that are suited for each person.

Fourth, get the input of some godly friends.  They know you and they know the Lord.  They might be able to tell you things that you cannot see.

Fifth, begin with small steps.  When you have an idea of what God wants of and for you, begin doing it.  Start small.  Build your knowledge and skills in that area.  Take larger steps bit by bit.

Sixth, help others.  You are surrounded by many others who do not know what to do.  Help them discover the life that they should be living.

And remember that Jesus said, “I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” (John 10:10)

You may want to check out one of the most-read books on this. Click the picture to find out more…

I Cannot See It

Do you remember Bob Ross painting on PBS?

He created amazing paintings and made it look easy.  You may remember one of his famous sayings: “There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.”  Put a blob of paint on the canvas, and he would turn it into a beautiful tree, mountain, or other item.

Bob could see the big picture.

My dad and I loved to hunt.  One morning in a new area, he left me on a ridge.  It was freezing, I was young, and I thought I would feel better if I was walking.  I was sure that I knew the layout of the land (that I had never explored), so I set off.  You can imagine what happened.  I lost my way.  I could not determine where I was.  I saw trees everywhere, but I could not see where I was.  I guess I could not see the forest for the trees.

Life is like that.  We are plodding along, dealing with one issue at a time, and never seeing the big picture.  We travel so far that we lose our bearing, and we do not know where to go or what to do.

There have been plenty of times when I have dealt with schemes of people with evil intentions, and it seemed like their schemes had destroyed the plans that I did have.  But when I have trusted God, He always proved faithful.  Things turned out like Joseph stated to his brothers in Genesis 50:20: “‘You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result – the survival of many people.’”

So, why do we not trust Him more?  Why do we not remember His faithfulness when we need Him most?  Do we not remember the promise He made to Israel (which still lines up with His character today)?  “‘For I know the plans I have for you’ – this is the LORD’s declaration – ‘plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” (Jeremiah 29:11)

The big picture is not easy to see when you are surrounded by trees.  The mistakes do not look like happy accidents when you are dealing with the pain.  But God is faithful; He never breaks His word, and He is not going to start with you.

I finally walked out of the woods into a clearing – not knowing where I was.  And then I heard a whistle.  My father’s whistle.  I was no longer lost.  I was no longer alone.  I was SO happy.

And it never fails.  No matter how thick or dark the woods may seem.  My Heavenly Father’s whistle always guides me to safety – to a future and a hope.

Your path may not be clear.  But He is there.  Trust Him.

Check out the following resource to find out more. Click the picture to see for yourself…